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The Matriculation and Education Package is for the baccalaureate or master-prepared nurse at a crossroads of considering furthering their studies versus staying on their current career path. In this service, we review standard application processes, mock courses of study/timelines, online vs. in-person class structure, and weigh the overall return on investment.


Additionally, the participant receives a studies/continuation of education recommendation (either traditional or non-traditional routes i.e. degree, certification, apprenticeship). Please indicate on the contact us page your credentials and those you seek.


The approximate service time burden is 90 minutes.

The time as mentioned above will occur in a series of three (one-to-one) 30-minute sessions.


Matriculation Package

  • Once a service is purchased, visit the 'Contact Us' page. Please enter your name, credentials, and current practice setting. A scheduling email with instructions will be sent within 24 business hours. 

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